Contact Us

Please write to us with your suggestions or complaints. Please note that you need to adhere to some recommendations in order to get your issues sorted as soon as possible. Please kindly use proper formatting of your messages to us i.e. have a proper subject.

Recommended Actions:
  1. Please mark your subject as Suggestions if there is something that you would love to suggest to us.
  2. Please mark your subject as Technical for any issues that you are facing with our website and do try to attach corresponding information such as your ISP, IP address, Browser Name, and any ad blockers that you are using.
  3. Please mark your subject as DMCA Removal if you need some content to be removed. Do note that a proper format DMCA Request is needed with the following details: Name, Address, Contact number, and your valid ID, and other details that may be relevant to the request. Wrong and fake information will cause the request to be unattended.
  4. Please mark your subject as Request if you want to see more of a particular content. We will try our best to will publish it.
  5. Please mark your subject as Advertisement if you would like to Advertise with, Be sure to include your Company name, contact details and other specifics for a faster response.
NOT Recommended Actions:
  1. Please refrain from sending multiple emails for the same content removal. If you do not get a response within 24-48 Hours, try resending once more as the time difference may be causing the delay in response. Also Public holidays may affect the response times.
  2. Please ensure that all valid details are used when you contact us, if found otherwise, the request will be marked as spam and closed.
  3. Do not spam us with requests as your IP and device ID may be blocked.
Use the following email address to contact us :